Book #1 in the Tales from Hollerbrook Farm series, Pete the Hungry Pig, was written in 1993 – 26 years ago! After the story was written I printed it out and was not sure what I was going to do with it. In the year that followed, I lost a baby in my third trimester, my mother passed away at the age of 59 and we lost our home in a fire. It was a tough year and Pete the Hungry Pig was lost in the shuffle – literally. For many years it was forgotten about as another baby entered our family and life with four little children was very busy. A few years ago I began to wonder what ever happened to the story. I searched the basement to see if I could find it (the computer it was written on no longer existed and there was just the one laminated copy). I was unable to find it and assumed that it must have been lost in the fire. Last year, while cleaning out an old file cabinet, I inadvertently came across the long lost Pete the Hungry Pig story! Now, 26 years later, my children have grown up and I have ten wonderful grandchildren. It was obvious to me that the story had to be brought to life for my grandchildren and all of the other children out there who have vivid imaginations and a love for good fun!
After I finished writing Pete the Hungry Pig it seemed only fitting to write a story about a mischievous goat. My husband and I purchased three Nigerian Pigmy goats one weekend on a whim when we were watching our grandsons. We thought it would be a fun idea for the kids and give them something to look forward to when they visited! Watching the goats jump and play has entertained all of us for years, so when I began thinking about a sequel to Pete the Hungry Pig, I immediately thought about a story involving a silly goat! Inspired by our own cute and crazy goats, I wrote Book #2 in the Tales from Hollerbrook Farm series, Gabby Steals the Show.
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